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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I still remember that day vividly.That nihgt I had studied at school library;it was around   o’clock,and I prepared to go back home.As I passed through the school gate,I said goodbaye to my friends.Suddenly I saw a strange thing in front of me.There was a male standing beside the cross-walk;the traffic light was green for pedestrians,he couldwalk forward,but he didn’t.he was just standing there and made no actions.I was confused at this sight.Then ,Out of curiosity,I decided to walk over to him and too see what was happening.I felt perplexed until I walked next to him ,I could see he was wearing sungalasses and holding a white stick;then I knew this man was blind.
I this cold winter day, pedestrians all wore heavy coats, including him and me. His was gray and mine was black. I also noticed that there was a sign around his neck. The sign said “I am virtually deaf and blind; please help me cross the street. Tap me on the shoulder.” I knew I must help him. So I tapped him on the shoulder,and after that he put his left hand on my right shoulder and I led him across the street. All the process was quiet; the only thing I could hear was the sounds of our steps. It was a chilly night too, but I knew he would feel warm at this moment.
When we got across the street, he bowed in thanks, and started walking up the block, to the next corner, then the text. While he walked past me, I couldn’t help but start to weep. I wanted to walk him home. It was not a very busy street, almost deserted. He have been there, on that corner, for 10 minutes. Maybe he is still at another corner, now, waiting. How does he get home ? How does he know here his home is ? Thinking of this, I cried more loudly. Ican’t imagine being deaf and blind. You would be so helpless and dependent on other people. Can you imagine going home like that every day : Walking a block,then waiting for someone to help you get across the street, then walking another  block, and waiting,relying on the kindess of strangers ? After this incident, I realized how blessed I am. I should cherish every day and domy best to help the people who need help in my life.

1.  why did the writer say the scene in front of her was strange ?
A   .Thtere was a man who should have crossed the street but he just stood still.
B.   There was a man who should not be there at that evening.
C..  There was a man who begged for some money.
D.  There was a man who looked like criminal
E.   There was a man who could not walk.

2.  The man did not cross the street  because……….
A. He is too tired
B. He traffic is heavy
C. He waited for somebody to help him
D. He waited for the traffic light to turn green
E. He was lost and did not know where to go

3.  How did the writer know that the man was deaf and blind ?
A. She spoke to him but he did not answer.
B. Somebody told her the condition of the man.
C.  From a sign hanging over man’s neck
D. From the walking stick the man held in his hand.
E. Nobody told her, it was just an intuition.

4.  What does the word  ‘perplex’ in line 6  mean?
A. Curious
B. Confused
C.  Sad
D.  Uneasy
E.  Excited

5.  Below are what the writer learned form her experience, EXCEPT……..
    A. She is grateful not to be dependent on other people
    B. She should appreciate her life every day
    C. It’s good to help people in need
    D. Being independent is no fun at all
    E. It is okay to cry

Flowchart: Terminator: Teks I. K. Discussion 

Soal nomor 1:menanyakan tentang gambaran umum
Soal nomor 2:menanyakan tentang gambaran umum
Soal nomor 3:menanyakan tentang informasi rinci
Soal nomor 4:menanyakan tentang informasi rinci
Soal nomor 5:menanyakan tentang makna kata berdasarkan konteks.

     Small childrenseem to learn very quickly, While adults sometimes to lose the ability to pick up new subject such as languages, music, games, or computer program. In this essay, I will discuss whether children or adults make the best learners.
     It is undoubtedly true that children seem to learn very quickly. In  just a few years, they can learn how to play a musical instrument, speak

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posted by Asp @ 6:47 PM  

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