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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Soal Narative


There was once a woman who wanted a small child but didn”t know where to get one.          So she went to a which for help.

“a little child ?”said the which,”that’s easy. Here’s a magic seed. Plant it in a flower pot and see what happens!” the woman thanked the which ,paid her with a piece of silver, and went home the magic seed. As soon as it touched the soil, the seed grew into a tulip, whose flower opned with a pop. In the middle of the flower sat a tiny girl.

“why , the pretty little thing is hardly as big as my thumb !” cried the the woman. “ I am going to call her Thumbelina .”

The woman made Thumbelina a bed  from a walnut shell.instead  of going out , Thumbelina played on the kitchen table. “her favorite game was sailing across a bowl of water in a boat made from a tulip leaf .as sailed, she sang in a high, sweet voice.”

One  night,an old toad got in through in open window and hoppid down onto the kitchen table.”just the wife for my son:the toad decraled ehen it saw thumbelina sleeping in her tiny bed.the toad picked up the walnut shel and hopped out thorough the window into the garden ,there was a strem with muddy banks,and that was where the old toad lived with her son. He was even damper and uglier than is mother .when he saw the pretty litter girl asleep in the walnut  shell, all he could say was,”ribbik ribbik”. Not so loud !” whispered the old toad. “ if you wake her up ,she’ll run away. We’ll put her on a water –lily leaf in the midlle of the stream so she wont be able to escape. Then we can clear out the best room for the wedding .”

In the morning, when she woke up, Thumbelina was startled to find her self on a big green leaf in the midlle of a stream.

   What ndo you think?
  1. What was the woman problem?
  2. How did she get  a child?
  3. Describe the child that the woman!
  4. Where did the woman keep her?
  5. Who kidnapped Tumbelina?
  6. Why did she kidnap her?
  7. In your opinion,would have Tumbelina  agreed to marry the toad?
  8. In your opinion,how did she escape from the toad?


    1. She wanted to have a small child
    2. By planting the magic seed
    3. The child was a big as a thumb
    4. In a walnut sheel
    5. The toad
    6. Because he wanted to make Thumbelina a wife for his son
    7. No, wouldn’t
    8. By sailing the stream.

                     Once there was an Indian who had a pet fish named tommy , which he kept in a barrel.
But the fish got pretty big and the Indian had to change the water a good deal to keep him alive. He was to too lazy to do that, so he thought he would teach the fish the fish to live out of water.he began by taking tommy out of the barrel for a few minutes at a time, pretty often, and then he took him out more often and kept him out longer.after sometime tommy tommy could stay out a good while if he was in some wet grass.

Then the Indian found he could leave him in the wet grass all night and pretty soon that fish could live in the shade whether the grass was wet or not.by that time he had got pretty tame ,too and he used to follow the Indian around a good ideal .when the Indian went out to dig worms to eat,tommy went along too and got some for himshelf.the Indian thought of everything for that fish, until tommy didn’t need any water at all.he could go anywhere down a dustiy road and stay all day out in the  hot sun
       So, people wanted to buy Tommy, but the Indian said he wouldn,t sell a fish like that for any amount of money. You,d see him coming to town with tommy following along the road behind ,just like a dog ,onlyof course he traveled a good deal like a snake ,and almost as fast.
      Well, it was really sad the way that Indian lost his fish and it was unusual, too he went to town one day with tommy coming along behind, as usual. Ther was a bridge in the road and the Indian came to it. He saw ther was a hole in it, but he went over without thinking. A little later he looked a round for Tommy but he couldn’t find him. He went back away and called, but he still couldn’t see any sign of his pet.
      Finally he came to the bridge and saw the hole, and he thought right away that maybe his fish had fallen in there. So he went to the hole and looked down , and sure enough, there was tommy, floating on the water, bottom side up. He’d fallen through that hole into the river and drowned.
Find out :

  1. Who is the main carachter of the story ?
  2. What’s the Indian’s problem ?
  3. How did the Indian overcome his problem ?
  4. Why do you think the writer wrote ‘You’d see him coming to town with Tommy following along the road behind, just like a dog, only of course he traveled a good deal like a snake, and almost as fast.’
  5. There are two strange things that make this story interesting and funny.What are they ?
  6. In your opinion, what is a suitable title for the strory ?
  7. Do you like the story ?Why/why not?


  1. A pet fish get named tommy
  2. Theindian problem is he lazy to change the water a good deal  to keep alive and he tought he would teach the fish to live out water.
  3. he began by taking Tonny out of the barrel for of few minutes at a time, preety often, and then he took him out more often and keep him out longer. After sometime Tommy could stay out a good while if he was in some wet grass.
  4. .
  5. Interesting , because that the Indian has over come his problem with interesting  ways, and I think this way is impossible.
Funny, because the fish got the pretty big. And that fish to live out of water. Beside that , tommy can go any where down a dusty road and stay all day out in the hot sun.
  1. The Indian  and his magic fish
  2. Yes, I like. Because the story is interest and make me think  nothing impossible in the world,if me want  to tryover come our problem.


      There was once a little fly who thought he was very important. He felt proud of himself. Once sunny morning he flew around looking for someone to talk to. Hi saw a bull grazing in a field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.
      The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull’s head. The bull did not him. He went on chewing grass.
      The fly then buzzed right inside the bull’s  ear. The bull continued chewing grass. The fly thought, “What a stupid animal!”
      Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull’s horns to make the bull notice him. He waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quiet.
      The fly then shouted angrily, “ Oh, Bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly away!”
      The bull laughed and said, “Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny that your nweight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone.


1.      Where and when did the story happen?
2.      Who were involved in the story?
3.      What problem did the fly have?
4.      how did he overcome his problem?
5.      Then what happened to the bull?
6.      What is the message of the story?
7.      What do you call a story that talks about animal which can speak like humans?

1.      In a field on one sunny morning
2.      the fly and the bull
3.      The little fly needs/looking for someone to talk to
4.      He fly down to talk to a bull that he saw grazing in a field.
5.      The bull didn’t bother him.
6.      Don’t be to proud of ourself.
7.      Fable.

Gramer in Action

·         Teresa said, “Don’t listen to Ellen. She likes to stretc the truth.”
·         “Why do I have to eat these awful nvegetables?”
·         Alison asked.
·         “I wish I could go fishing,” Jamey said, “but I’d better  fix this fance instead.”

1. do I have listen to that song again adam asked I don’t like it
2. bill said don’t wait up for me I;ii be home late
3. read the last two chapters in your book the instructor said
4. the secretary said please have a seat in the waiting room
5. do you want to see the new horror film max asked
6. i can’t decide which pair of shoes to buy pat said
7. There aren’t enough seats for me in this row cyrus said maybe I’ll just move to the last now


  1. “Do I have to listen to that song again, “Adam asked,” I don’t like it ,”
  2. bill said, “ don’t wait up for me I’ll have late “.
  3. “ road the last chapter in your book “. The instructor said .
  4. the secretary said,” please have a seat in the waiting room “.
  5. “do you want to see the new horrow flm ?”mask asked,
  6. I can’t decide wich pair of shoes to buy “,pat said.
  7. “there aren’t enough seats for me in this row”,cycrus said,”my be I’ll just make to the last row.

ENJOY THIS   Move the jumbled letters between brackets. She the example.

  1. “we’ve come to (move) your bed into the room, my dear,” said the old toad.
  2. “Meet your (husband) I’m sure you’ll live happily ever after”.
  3. “Ribbik! Ribbik!” (         ) her son.
  4. As the toads swam back to the (bank), Thumbelina cried so loudly that fish in the (stream) poked their heads out of the water to ask what was the (matter).
  5. when Thumbelina told them, they all agree it was a (shame) for a pretty girl like to marry an ugly toad. They bit trough the (talks) of Thumbelina’s lily (leaf), and it floated awy down stream. 

Read More……
posted by Asp @ 6:40 PM  

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