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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

                         LATIHAN SOAL LISTENING
                              PERCAKAPAN    1 - 2
                                             BAHASA INGGRIS  SMA / MA

Listening Section

In this part of the practice test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your practice  book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Conversation I
  1. a. Two friend
b. A patient and a doctor
c. A mother and a son
d. A brother and a sister
e. Two strangers

      2.   a. He has a long journey
            b. He has a very bad cold
            c. He sells medicine
            d. He wants to drink
            e. He wants to take a rest

       3.  a. Some medicine
            b. Some garlic
            c. Some water
            d. Some soup
            e. Chicken

       4.  a. Chicken
            b. Water
            c. Garlic
            d. Water
            e. Medicine

       5. a. To eat some garlic
            b. To cook chicken soup
            c. To take a lot of medicine
            d. To drink a lot of water
            e. To eat a lot of chicken

Conversation II

1.      a. The woman’s plan for holiday
b. The man’s plan for holiday
c. The expenses for holiday
d. The accommodation for holiday
e. The destination for holiday

        2. a. She has visited Bali many times
             b. She has never visited Bali
             c. She has visited Bali once
             d. She will never visit Bali
             e. She does not want to visit Bali

       3.  a. The woman’s office provides the money
             b. The man’s office provides the money
             c. The woman’s father provides the money
             d. The office of the woman’s father provides  
                  the money
             e. The family of the woman provides the

       4.  a. Accommodation
             b. Transportation
             c. Communication
 d. Refreshment
 e. Allowance

        5. a. For eight days
             b. For five days
             c. For three days
             d. For nine days
             e. For six days


                         LATIHAN SOAL LISTENING
                                  PERCAKAPAN 3 - 4
                                                BAHASA INGGRIS  SMA / MA

Listening Section

In this part of the practice test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues or questions will be spoken two times. They will not be printed in your practice  book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Conversation III

  1. a. To play badminton
b. To go to the library
c. To have dinner
d. To make a draft
e. To finish the papers

      2.   a. Because she will make the draft
            b. Because she will go to the library
            c. Because she has to finish her papers
            d. Because she will go to the restaurant
            e. Because she will have dinner

      3.   a. On Monday
            b. On Tuesday
            c. On Wednesday
            d. On Thursday
            e. On Friday

      4.   a. To the sports centre
            b. To the restaurant 
            c. To the woman’s house
            d. To school
            e. To the man’s house

      5.   a. At 4.30
            b. At 5.30
            c. At 6.30
            d. At 7.30
            e. At 8.30

Conversation IV

  1. a. A teacher and a student
b. A boss and his employee
c. A father and a daughter
d. A doctor and a his patient
e. Two friends

     2.    a. Because she designed the experiment
            b. Because she was not feeling well
            c. Because she had an experiment
            d. Because she copied worksheets
            e. Because she set up the schedule

     3.    a. Physics
            b. Mathematics
            c. Economics
            d. Biology
            e. Geography

     4.    a. At home
            b. In her bag
            c. In laboratory
            d. In the class
            e. In the teacher’s bag

     5.    a. On Sunday
            b. On Tuesday
            c. On Monday
            d. On Thursday
            e. On Friday


Book   : Siap Menghadapi Ujian Nasional
Page    : 4-7

  1. Berkenalan
Untuk memperkenalkan diri, kita dapat menggunakan
ungkapan-ungkapan berikut ini :
·         May I introduce myself? I’m ...
·         How do you do? My name is ...
·         Please let me introduce myself. I’m ...
·         Allow me to introduce myself. My name’s ...
·         Hello. My name is ...
·         Hi, I’m ...

Untuk merespon perkenalan seseorang, kita dapat mengucapkan
Ungkapan-ungkapan sebagai berikut :
·         It’s pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is ...
·         Hello. It’s nice to meet you. My name’s ...
·         Hello. I’m pleased to meet you, too.
·         Hi, I’m ...
·         Good to meet you. I’m ...

Apabila kita ingin memperkenalkan orang lain, berikut adalah
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang dapat digunakan :
·         I’d like to introduce ...
·         Allow me to introduse ...
·         Let me introduse ...
·         It’s my pleasure to introduse ...
·         I’d like you to meet ...
·         Have you meet ...

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posted by Asp @ 6:42 PM  

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